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Brief History
The birth of the Susanna Wesley Fellowship of the Ghana United Methodist Church on December 18, 2011 was initiated by some of our sister's lead by Sis. Paulina Agyeman. The fellowship takes its name from Susanna Wesley, mother of John and Charles Wesley who through hard work, motherly love and commitment was able to take care of her 19 children, along with other children not her own and raise them up in the admonition of the Lord.


Her prayer was always that the Lord will help her to remember that religion is not to be confined to the church or the closet, nor exercised only in prayer and meditation but that as she was everywhere in God's presence, so might her every word and action have moral content.


Aims and Objectives
It shall be the prime aim of the Susanna Wesley Fellowship to endeavor to enlist all women who are full members of the Ghana United Methodist Church and to:
• Inculcate in members the spirit of holiness and godly living, both at home, in the Church and in the society.
• Teach members to give prime attention to the nurturing of children in the Christian faith.
• Assist in the cleaning of the Church premises, decorations in the church and manses.
• Help serve refreshments and food during various meetings of the Church.
• Seek the welfare of our ministers.
• Assist in the training of our ministers.


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